You become a member when you enroll your child at El Granada Elementary school. Your involvement makes a difference at our school. Whether it's helping to raise money for the programs we provide, like P.E, Music, Art, and Library, or volunteering for a family event, your time and energy will make El Granada a special place to learn and grow.
What we do:
We provide enhancements to the school curriculum and support the classroom teachers, in the form of stipends and discretionary spending, We support curriculum components that are no longer funded by the state, such as physical education, science, and library time, through funding of staff salaries. We initiate community based events and family fun nights to include the entire El Granada community. Finally, we organize the efforts of our parent volunteers to impact classroom learning (art-in-action; arts and science day), field trips, school beautification and much, much more.
The El Granada Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a non-profit, volunteer organization whose purpose is to foster a sense of support, pride, and enthusiasm among all members of the school community; to enlist parents and teachers in a cooperative effort to enhance the education of children; to encourage parental involvement in their children's educational experience; and to support the educational and recreational needs of the students of El Granada Elementary School.