The El Granada PTO welcomes you! We have a very dedicated PTO and your involvement makes the difference. Each family can participate in a way that best meets their needs and availability. Your help provides our children with “extra” programs that enhance their curriculum as well as make the year memorable.
Visit our 2018-2019 Board Members & Chairs page for contact information on the following opportunities.
Volunteer Opportunities – Please let the PTO Board Members know your area(s) of interest and the chairperson of the respective committee will contact you.
Art in Action – Volunteer as an assistant or docent for classroom art lessons.
Book Fair – Help set up and/or sell books at the Book Fairs.
Library Lunchtime Volunteer – Oversee the library during lunchtime so that students may come in to draw, play board games and read.
Library Classtime Helper – Assist in the library during class time under the supervision of the school librarian. Duties may include checking books in, filing returned books and helping students find books.
Auction – Help plan and organize our biggest fundraiser event of the year!
Fund Run – Help plan and organize major school-wide “Fun Run” student fundraiser.
eScrip – Promote ongoing eScrip fundraiser, a rebate program through participating merchants
Box Tops – Help publicize and run box top fundraiser collection drives.
Beautification – Help keep the school campus attractive with activities such as gardening, clean-up, painting and landscaping.
Emergency Supplies – Help maintain food and water supplies for emergencies.
Fifth Grade Promotion – Plan and organize 5th grade class fundraisers and end of year activities.
Graphic Design – Provide graphic design talent to various committees for items such as T-Shirts, catalogs, banners, flyers, etc.
Hospitality – Provide baked good and food items for various PTO meetings and events.
Ice Cream Social – Help scoop ice cream at this fun, family event held at the end of the school year.
El Granada Talent Show – Help organize an evening of student talent and entertainment, generally held in the Spring.
Room Parent Representatives – assist teacher as needed, coordinate teacher gifts, and act as a liaison between the classroom parents and the PTO.
Staff Appreciation – Help plan and organize a special week of appreciation activities in May.
Yearbook – Compile pictures during the year, help handle layout, sales and distribution of yearbook at the end of the school year.
PTO Cart– Sell El Granada shirts, scrip cards, dolphin jewelry, dolphin pencils, and much more on Tuesdays after school.
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