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The El Granada Elementary PTO is a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to supporting the educational and enrichment needs of our students. El Granada Elementary has a dedicated and passionate group of parents and teachers that make our school unique. The “P”in PTO is for “Parent” and just by being a parent you are a member of this organization. Since we are a volunteer organization our success depends on participation from the parents. Being involved is one way to further your child’s education, learn more about the school, and meet other parents in our community. Every year, through the efforts of the PTO, programs that are no longer funded by the state are made possible. These include:
Physical Education
Additional Librarian hours and books
Hands-on Science
Art in Action
Some of El Granada Elementary’s special events made possible by PTO are:
Arts and Science Day: This is a nationally and locally recognized event.
Scholastic Book Fair: During the second week of December our school library transforms into a temporary bookshop. You’ll find titles for adults and children and you’ll be invited to a special Family Fun Night.
Fund Run: December 9th is our annual Fund Run jogging fundraiser. It is one of the biggest and most successful fundraisers of the entire year! It’s a day of great exercise, tons of fun, and lots of enthusiasm for everyone. All students, K-5, wear official race numbers, run laps, listen to music, and cheer school friends as they earn money for our school.
Family Nights including Math Nights, Movie Nights, and Dance Parties: Come one, come all to our wonderful family nights! Admission is free!
Talent Show and Raffle: February, We’ve got talent, yes we do! Get your tickets for a chance to win some fabulous prizes from local vendors and watch our talented kiddos on stage in the MPU.
Annual Benefit Auction: March, The “biggest” when it comes to fundraising. Local Merchants and restaurants make generous contributions, parents and friends donate goods and services, all in the name of helping support our school. Of course we’ll need buyers too! So plan to come to this parent evening out, enjoy great food, music, dancing, and go home with a little something you’ll feel good about buying.
Spelling Bee: Help your child get sponsors and learn their words for the spelling bee hosted by our teachers.
Father Daughter Sweetheart Dance: February, Enjoy a night of dancing, eating, and creating beautiful memories together.
Open House/Ice Cream Social: May, An end of the year celebration where you’ll be able to admire all the work done in your child’s classroom. In the classrooms art and writing will be on display, and kids will be proud to present many projects. In the MPU, join us for an ice cream party with toppings. Coffee is also available for adults
Tea and Tissues: Tea, coffee and muffins for new and continuing parents. Meet other parents in the library after you drop off your children for their first day of school!
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Luncheon: Our chance to say “thank you” to all of our dedicated and hardworking teachers and staff members who educate and inspire our students all year.
Assemblies and Community Events and so much more….
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